One Word

Camp carries the energy of 2010.  This was the first summer that I can recall where I simply had little responsibility and no work. Due to a conflict, I didn't grade the AP exams and work for 9 grueling days; I finished my term as department chair, so didn't have any administrative responsibilities; and the work on the textbook wasn't very intense; there was plenty of time to have what became known as the summer of Camp Amy. Days would begin slowly, with me creating the daily schedule, ranging from physical activities such as golf, dog walking, biking, hiking; oftentimes a movie and nap were a part of the day's schedule. I was simply free and giddy each day because of the ultimate sense of freedom that camp brings.

Finished. When this time draws near one year from now, I hope that Sourceplay is well into production and about to be published for use. I also hope to have several pieces of writing finished and perhaps even entertaining sending some things out for publication (of course after they're finished). I'd like to see some of the ideas that populate a folder on my computer find their way into forms that fit the mood. I've set the constellation in motion to help spur these ideas (and new inspirations) toward a finished form: I signed up for an 8 week personal essay writing class that starts in early January, I intend to write several poems along with my class this spring, and several trips are planned with time and inspiration to write (Costa Rica and Ireland). Oh yeah, and of course finishing a simple month of daily blogging as part of #reverb10.


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